Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Summer 101: Get Shaved

It’s getting hot. Really hot. I was pretty happy a few weeks back as it felt like the Christmas breeze finally arrived but it is now gone. (T.T) Oh well. Then I remembered this shaved ice place N loves so much to the point that he was proud to bring me there. 
Hey, Get Shaved!
The place was charming with its cool blue interiors. It makes me feel cooler already. The choices also have cute names such as Root Beer Dream and Monkey Brains. I ordered #5 Sour Puss on a UFO bowl ($2.75) as I was not sure if I will like it while N ordered an Ice Cream Sandwich ($3/piece).
In less than 3 minutes, we have our orders ready.
My bowl sure was tangy and I love it. The combination of watermelon, lemon and lime with shaved ice and sour spray is a hit for those who love anything sour. I’m also glad that the serving was very generous. It was overflowing! The syrup covered everything too and there wasn’t a single spoonful that was bland.
N’s ice cream sandwich was huge. Vanilla ice cream sandwiched by two big cookies… definitely delightful for anyone who has a sweet tooth. I felt that if I order that though, I need to share it with someone UNLESS I’m really craving for something sweet. Well, I’m sure N will be willing to share anytime. :)
I heard that Monkey Brain is another popular choice. I’ll probably get that next time.
Get shaved is located at 1790 W Carson St., Unit B, Torrance, CA, 90501

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