Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Supermarket Find: Nestlé Yogurt Top Ups

I’m craving for something… I don’t know… sweet, I guess. This is what you call I-must-crave-something-so-that-I-still-get-to-eat-more-as-I-eat-super-fast.
It’s interesting that despite eating lunch, my colleagues and I talk about what to eat next. It wasn’t much of a problem today though as while heating our food in the pantry, we saw an office mate with a few cups of yogurt with something on top of it. She seemed very giddy about it so we assumed that whatever it is, it’s bound to be good. Apparently, Nestlé added another twist to its well-loved yogurt. This time, they provide toppings in the form of KitKat and marshmallows. And since we were curious with how it tastes like, we braved the hot weather and marched our way to the supermarket nearby.

To our surprise, there was no buzz at all for the new product. There was just a single wobbler signage. Were we late at knowing this? B said though that this was launched just this week. How bizarre.
Anyway, we excitedly opened our cups when we got back to the office and poured the KitKat and marshmallows on the cup of yogurt.
It was rather odd. It wasn’t bad or anything but the mix of flavors was not smooth. Each flavor stood out. Or perhaps it was because I love yogurt, KitKat, and marshmallow equally but separately? I’m not really sure but nonetheless, I enjoyed it. It was interesting and worth a try. And hey, it’s just PHP35.



  1. i liked it.. i'd personally prefer it w/ more kitkat than mallows (not a big fan of mallows unless it's cake icing) :D Hope they come up with Reese or Maltesers toppings. I'd like it better :)


Comments or other recommendations? :)